How to Houseplant Philodendron Cordatum Care

Philodendron has been in use as an indoor plant since Victorian times and is still a popular houseplant today. I have included it on my best indoor houseplants list because of its tolerance of lower light and ease of care.

While there are many different types of Philodendron, the most commonly seen and used indoors is the Philodendron Cordatum, sometimes called Sweetheart Vine or Heart Leaf Philodendron.

Philodendron Cordatum houseplant has heart-shaped, green leaves that are typically about 2-3 inches across although they can grow much larger outdoors. A trailing or a climbing plant, Philodendron Cordatum is the Philodendron variety most often used as an indoor houseplant.

Philodendron Cordatum Houseplant

Philodendron Cordatum houseplant is one of the vining, climbing types of Philodendron and is ideally used as a hanging plant or table plant. The small size of the Philodendron Cordatum also make it perfect for planting in dish gardens or terrariums.

How To Water Philodendron Cordatum

Philodendron Cordatum should be allowed to dry down almost completely in low to medium light but not to point of wilting. In bright light, allow soil to dry down at least 1/2 to 3/4 of its depth. Please see the sections on watering and lighting for your indoor plants, as these most affect your houseplants health and growth.

Other Care Ideas

Philodendron Cordatum will do best if placed in very bright, indirect light. Keep out of direct sun, bright diffused light is preferable. Most philodendrons plants will survive in lower light but, as with most other plants, will becomes leggy under lower light conditions. Additional light from a fluorescent light is suitable if available.

Philodendron Cordatum should be kept at temperatures between 65°F and 80°F, so normal home temperatures suit it well. While it will do well in normal home conditions, Philodendron Cordatum will benefit from having additional humidity. You can provide extra humidity by placing on humidity trays or grouping with other house plants.

Philodendron Cordatum is a trailing plant but can develop aerial roots and attach itself to wood, walls etc. and climb. This is most likely if there is an abundance of humidity in the air. It is a fairly fast growing plant if cared for correctly.

To keep it full, cut back the longest of your Philodendron Cordatum plant’s vines occasionally to encourage new growth. Remove any leaves that become discolored or faded. If you are watering properly and the light is good, you should get some side shoots to help keep your plant full.

Apply to top and lower leaf and stem surfaces of your houseplants, being careful not to saturate the soil. You can clean by hand or use a spray bottle to apply your houseplant cleaning solution. I use a sponge moistened with my cleaning solution to gently wipe the top and lower leaf surfaces. Cleaning of your houseplants should be a regular part of your houseplant care.

Never apply anything to the foliage of your plant while it is in the sun or when the soil is dry. Water first and move to a shady location. I hope this has been helpful as you care for your Philodendron Cordatum houseplant and that all of your flowers and plants are healthy and growing well.

Questions About Philodendron Cordatum?

If you have questions about your indoor plants, you can send an indoor houseplant question. You might also want to visit the Facebook Page, a great place to find a compilation of plant, flower, gardening and landscape information, trivia and even humor! Thanks for visiting…

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Make Your Peace Lily Houseplant Happy to Be Alive!

The Peace Lily houseplant, or Spathiphyllum, is one of the most common indoor houseplants as they are often given as flowering gift plants. Peace lily is one of the few indoor plants that may continue to produce flowers, even under the light conditions available in most homes.

The Peace Lily plant can be anywhere from 12 inches tall to over 5 feet tall, depending on the variety. It has an upright, clumping growth and, with the right care, will produce white flowers, or spathes, throughout much of the year. Additionally, when not in bloom, the Peace Lily makes a fantastic foliage plant and is an easy to care for indoor houseplant.

I have included the Peace Lily plant in my list of the best indoor houseplants and the Peace Lily is a great plant for indoor use. Peace Lily often requires a little more attention than other houseplants on my list and it is prone to dramatic wilting if the soil is allowed to become too dry.

Peace Lily Houseplant Care
Peace Lily Houseplant

Place Peace Lily in the brightest, indirect light you have available. It should not be positioned in hot, direct sunlight for extended periods of time as your Peace Lily will most likely fade and scorch. Some morning sun would not be harmful and provide bright light throughout the rest of the day.

The more light you can provide the Peace Lily the more likely it is to continue flowering. You can keep a Peace Lily in lower light but it will require less frequent watering and it will also be unlikely to flower much, if it flowers at all.

To help keep your Peace Lily flowering, keep it a bit pot bound. Removing older foliage and flowers as they begin to fade is also beneficial. Occasionally allowing it to dry out almost completely is going to help keep the root system and the plant healthy. A healthy plant is going to produce more new growth, including flowers.

An occasional application of water soluble plant food will also aid in flower production. Use sparingly as it is easy to damage a plant, especially a potted plant, with too much fertilizer. Never apply fertilizer to a dry plant, always water first then feed. I always use less than recommended amounts.

How to Water Peace Lily

Peace Lily plant should be watered thoroughly and then allowed to dry down at least 1/4 to 1/2 of the soil depth. Do not allow to dry completely. It will wilt dramatically if allowed to do so. Keep your Peace Lily’s potting mix more moist in the spring and summer, allowing to dry somewhat more in the fall and winter. Please see the sections on watering and lighting for important care information.

Other Care Ideas for Peace Lily Houseplant

Remove flowers from your Peace Lily as they begin to discolor, fade or spot. The older leaves of the Peace Lily tend to yellow and get black or brown tips over time, so I make it a habit to remove a few of these older leaves every month. Removing older growth on most plants will help promote new growth and will help keep your plant pretty, green and gorgeous. Keep the wide leaves clean and dust free by wiping them gently with a dry cloth.

Removing the pollen producing spike in the center of the flower will prolong flowering. It will also eliminate the messy pollen that would otherwise fall. This is one of the few flowers that makes me sneeze and I am not allergic to anything else. So if you have allergic reactions, you should cut this part of the flower out before it begins to release pollen.

White Flower of Spathe on Peace Lily Houseplant
White Flower, or Spathe, on Peace Lily Houseplant

Like any other plant, the Peace Lily can have insect problems. I have seen them with fungus gnats, mealybugs, mites, scale, thrips, aphids and white fly. A mild solution of water and dish soap to wash off the pests should be effective. You can even put your houseplant in the shower and wash it off.

It is a good idea to quarantine any new additions to your house plant family for a few weeks just to be sure there are not any insects that were not noticed at first. Wash down your new house plant with a mixture of water and mild dish detergent. I like to add a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil or Orange essential oil to my houseplant cleaning solution. Just my preference, and the citrus and Eucalyptus oil may help to repel insects.

Apply to top and lower leaf and stem surfaces of your houseplants, being careful not to saturate the soil. You can clean by hand or use a spray bottle to apply your houseplant cleaning solution to the leaves of your Peace Lily plant. I use a sponge moistened with my cleaning solution to gently wipe the top and lower leaf surfaces. Cleaning of your houseplants should be a regular part of your houseplant care.

Peace Lily Houseplant Question?

Peace Lily houseplant care questions or problems? You can send a houseplant question but before you do, please read this information on watering your indoor houseplants, how to help keep your house plant’s root system healthy and lighting for your houseplants. These are most important for your houseplant’s health and this is some of the information I will refer you to if you send an email.

If you have questions about your indoor houseplants, you can send an indoor house plant question and be sure to visit the Facebook Page, a great place to find a compilation of plant, flower, gardening, growing, and landscape information, trivia and even humor! Thanks for visiting – Happy gardening and growing!

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Does Your Dracaena Houseplant Look Droopy or Happy?

There are some members of the Dracaena plant family that have long been popular for use as indoor houseplants. Dracaena is sometimes called Corn Plant as a few resemble the corn plant. However, it definitely will not give you any corn! I have pictures of four common Dracaena houseplants below.

Common types of Dracaena that are used as houseplants are the Dracaena Marginata, Dracaena Warneckii, Dracaena Massangeana, and the Dracaena Janet Craig. These are some of the best indoor houseplants and make great additions to any home while requiring minimal care. Bright indirect light is best and they will take some morning sun. Most Dracaena houseplants will tolerate lower light levels for some time with reduced watering frequency

Dracaena Warneckii Houseplants
Dracaena Warneckii Houseplants

Dracaena is grown in a variety of forms including the tip, bush, staggered, character, and standard. This versatile plant can be anywhere from 1 foot tall to 20 feet tall. You will not often find Dracaena plants much larger than 6-7 feet tall except in interior landscapes or in nature.

Your indoor Dracaena plant will do best in a bright, indirect light situation. With good care, your Dracaena houseplant can be maintained in somewhat lower lighting. Do not place in hot, direct sun. Dracaena is prone to root rot if overwatered, especially in lower light. In very hot, sunny locations spider mites can be a problem as can leaf scorch.

How to Water Dracaena Houseplants

In lower to medium light, you should water your Dracaena houseplant when the potting media has dried down at least 3/4 the depth of the pot. In very bright light, allow the soil to dry down about 1/2 to 3/4 of the soil depth before watering thoroughly. Please read the sections on watering your houseplants and lighting for indoor houseplants for more information on keeping your houseplants healthy and growing.

If you have a Dracaena plant in a fairly large pot size (10 inches or more in diameter), it would be a good idea to check the soil with a soil probe or moisture meter to help you make the decision when it is time to water your Dracaena plant. Improper watering is the most common cause of houseplant death.

You will need to be careful watering your Dracaena houseplant. New plants with minimal roots should be watered around the cane only. Established plants with a good root system can be watered thoroughly then allowed to dry almost completely.

Some signs of over-watering may be yellowing leaf tips, root rot and pale new growth with dark tips. More to the dry side is better but don’t be extreme either. The first sign that your Dracaena houseplant needs watering will be a slight drooping of the leaves and leaf margins may start to curl.

Dracaena Marginata Houseplant
Dracaena Marginata Houseplant

Dracaena Houseplant Care

Minimum temperatures for your Dracaena houseplants should be 50 to 55 degrees F. Dracaena is not a cold-tolerant houseplant. Average household temperatures will be fine for your Dracaena houseplant. Keep from direct sun.

Remove lower leaves as they yellow and trim brown tips to the natural leaf shape, as needed. It is normal for a new plant to shed some of its old foliage when it is moved to a new environment. Expect new additions to your home to do this. Given the proper care, it should acclimate and become a beautiful, trouble-free indoor plant.

Keep your Dracaena plant’s foliage clean and initially keep an eye out for insect problems. Mites, mealybug, thrips, and scale can sometimes be a problem but a good wash down with soapy water should be sufficient to control these pests. Just make sure you treat as soon as you notice a problem as they can and will damage your plant.

Dracaena Massangeana Houseplant

It is a good idea to quarantine any new additions to your houseplant family for a few weeks just to be sure there are not any insects that were not noticed at first. Wash down your new houseplant with a mixture of water and mild dish detergent. I like to add a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil or Orange essential oil to my houseplant cleaning solution.

Apply to top and lower leaf and stem surfaces of your houseplants, being careful not to saturate the soil. You can clean by hand or use a spray bottle to apply your houseplant cleaning solution. I use a sponge moistened with my cleaning solution to gently wipe the top and lower leaf surfaces. Cleaning of your houseplants should be a regular part of your basic houseplant care.

Leave your plants in a nursery grow pot with drainage holes at the bottom and set that into the pretty container you purchased for your home. If you have no way to remove excess water from the roots and soil it is more likely that you will have a problem with overwatering your Dracaena houseplant.

Make sure you measure your pots properly as there should be an inch or two of room between the decorative container and the nursery pot. This will provide additional air circulation. If you must direct pot, use a clay pot as this is porous and will allow the root system of your plant to breathe.

Dracaena Janet Craig Houseplant

Thanks for visiting and come back soon as information on houseplants, pictures and more are being added all of the time. I hope that your indoor tropical plants and all of your plants and flowers are happy, green, and growing because that is why I started this site

If you have questions about your indoor plants, you can send an indoor houseplant question. Visit the Facebook Page, a great place to find a compilation of plant, flower, gardening and landscape information, pictures, and sometimes even humor! Thanks again…

Indoor House Plants Care

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