Tag: how to care for dracaena marginata

A Favorite House Plant

Indoor house plants need more attention than your typical outdoor plants. House plants and flowers have only you to provide them with proper water and light to promote healthy plant growth. House plant care, a place for sharing ideas with Plant Lovers to help you and your plants grow.

Dracaena Marginata Houseplant
Dracaena Marginata House Plant One of My Favorites

Dracaena Marginata is one of my favorite house plants. That might be because it is one of the first large indoor plants that I ever owned. I was caring for indoor plants at the huge Xerox Research Center in Palo Alto, California. A 6 foot tall Dracaena Marginata in lower light that was getting a little leggy and it was decided with my contact person, Gary, that it would be replaced with a brand new plant.

He did not want to keep the old Marginata plant and told me that if I wanted it, I should take it home. That is exactly what I did! Planted in a fairly large terra cotta clay pot, the Marginata did quite well at my house. It was placed next to a large sliding glass door in bright, indirect light. Ever since that time, Marginata has been one of my favorite house plants.

Dracaena Marginata plants are really easy to care for once you know how. And they are very beautiful and graceful plants when they are grown in the home. You can let them grow large or easily keep them at the size you want them by pruning back the stalks or “canes” every once in a while.

Read more about Dracaena marginata indoor plants and their care…